Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Clock protest

Here's your chance to weigh in on the clock rule changes this season, which one blogger says are shaving up to 16 plays out of every NCAA game. A Web site is leading a petition drive to change the rules back to their prior form. You can even reveal your team allegiance when you vote. So far, Florida fans appear to be the most outraged (1,453 votes) while Vanderbilt has notched 31 tallies. Let's hope the score is closer this weekend. Go Dores!!


Brian Bauman said...

I kind of have mixed feelings about the new clock rules. I hate having the clock start on first down when the ball has been kicked/punted. I don't mind as much the clock starting on the kickoff. That's not as big of a deal for me.
Both teams are in the same situation, so to say that it's a disadvantage for one team over the other, I don't really buy that.
Change the first down clock rule and I can live with the rest.

Rob Robinson said...

I haven't made up my mind yet, either, about the new rules. I agree that it's consistent for both teams, and that makes me think the changes are not the end of the world. I guess the verdict is still out.