Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The FP, high-school style

I've been waiting to post this for awhile, coaches. Here is what the FP would look like if it were based on our high-school alma maters:

The battles are on for the overall lead (Woody vs. Rob) and the cellar dweller (Bando vs. GQ). Could it all come down to the final game of the season, when Franklin visits Cookeville? GQ's squad may not be the leader in the win column, but he should get extra credit for the Black Stallion Club. Bando is also worthy of bonus points for the Cavaliers' aerial stadium photo and up-to-date gameday countdown clock. Nice work, coaches, but judging from the records of your two teams, perhaps more time should be spent on the field and less time on fancy Web sites.

While we're on the subject of Cookeville, or at least close to it, can Chief stop the "redneck robber?"


Anonymous said...

No stopping the REbs!!! I love it Rossk, Football on all levels! Keep it up!

Brian Bauman said...

That is too cool!

Rob Robinson said...

From somewhere deep within my weird mind it came, but I couldn't pass it up. Go Mustangs!