Monday, December 04, 2006

Albom on the non-rematch

Here's a couple segments from the Mitch Album column this morning. Mitch always does a good job about keeping things unbiased, and I agree with a lot of his points in the entire article, not because I selfishly want to see Michigan in the title game. If voters think Michigan is #2, then you HAVE to put them in the BCS title game. If they honestly think Florida is #2, then fine, I don't have a problem with that and they should be in the title game. However, I do have a problem if people ONLY voted UF #2 because they didn't want to see a rematch, that's wrong. The BCS (as much as people don't like it) is to put the #1 and 2 teams together.

"You can spin this thing any way you want. It was strictly about fresh versus familiar. In the end, Ohio State will play Florida on Jan. 8 in Glendale, Ariz., because people with votes want to see that game more than they want to see a rematch of Michigan-Ohio State. This was all about the line of thinking that says: "Give someone else a chance."
But if the system were about giving everyone a chance, they wouldn't call it a poll, they'd call it a donkey ride."

"Michigan, having not touched a football in two weeks, has to wonder why it was dropped -- while Florida was vaulted. Michigan has to wonder how losing on the road to the only team ranked ahead of it -- and losing by three points -- is somehow less worthy than Florida losing by 10 points to Auburn, a team not even in the final Top 10."

Speaking of donkey's, that's what I think of Gary Danielson and his announcing of the SEC game. I thought announcers were supposed to be biased during a game. I was about to scream if I heard Gary say one more time why voters had to vote Florida ahead of Michigan.

So now, who do I pull for in the title game? Dare I say it, but Ohio State IN A BLOW OUT. Come on Buckeyes! I don't care if it costs me an extra $10.


Rob Robinson said...

I think Mitch is right. To repeat, we need a playoff.

Brian Bauman said...

I just realized something.
Florida lost to Auburn, who lost to Georgia, who lost to Vandy, who lost to Michigan.
SO, Michigan get's the upper hand in the one loss team category.

Rob Robinson said...

We can do this all day, you know. Temple could beat anyone in the country if we track back far enough, merely because they beat your sister's Bowling Green Falcons.

Brian Bauman said...

If my calculations are correct, Temple should be in a BCS game.

Temple beat Bowling Green, who beat Buffalo, who beat Kent State, who beat Toledo, who beat Kansas, who beat Kansas State, who beat Texas, who beat Oklahoma, who is in a BCS game.


Temple beat Bowling Green, who beat Buffalo, who beat Kent State, who beat Kansas, who beat S. Florida, who beat West Virginia, who beat Rutgers, who beat Louisville, who beat Miami... oh wait, everyone beat Miami, so I guess that's no big deal.

Rob Robinson said...

How long did that take? It sounds like Kansas is underachieving this year, if nothing else. ;)

Brian Bauman said...

Honestly, it only took me about 5 minutes. I just started tracking the wins from BG (which weren't many, then when I saw Kansas in the mix, I knew it would go a little further down the road.