Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I told you to give it time: The VOL Index has been increased from 5 to 4 in the wake of the first BCS standings, in which the Vols are listed as #11 despite their human poll rankings (#8 USAT/ESPN and #7 AP). They have a legitimate gripe, especially ranking one spot behind Coach GQ's California Bears, but it won't take long for the outrage machine to crank the volume high above the necessary level.


Brian Bauman said...

I love seeing the Vols end up complaining that things aren't fair. It always reminds me of Woodson over Manning.
When the Cal Bears win out, beating USC, the Vols will really be whining then. But they will have another 2 lossed this year (LSU and Arkansas) so it won't matter where they are ranked now.

Rob Robinson said...

Me, too. Same song, different verse. Here's hoping you're right about UT and wrong about USC. ;)