Sunday, November 05, 2006

Originally uploaded by rrob13.
Thank goodness the Vols officially cannot win the national title. This is why I hate them, in a nutshell. Ok, in a T-shirt, but you get the idea.


Brian Bauman said... we could hear Vol fans gripe and complain about how their season should have been better. Depsite a well fought game against LSU, there will be plenty of excuses and "they should have done this or that" calls on the radio in the next week. QB controversy? Hope so. Vols won't win another game this year? Hope not.

Rob Robinson said...

I know what you mean. Look at this comment I saw on

"Lose to Florida and now LSU. How is this any better than last year? That Fulmer has got to go."

Here are two more I enjoyed that were left about the arrested players story:

"It's PacMan's fault!"

"There's a reason they wear orange at UT- to get them ready for later in life. Can't any sports in Tennessee recruit people who ARE NOT criminals or deliquents? good grief!"

Brian Bauman said...

That's crazy. If they are calling for Fulmer's head after losing to LSU and Florida, both top 10 teams, they should be banned from football.
I wonder if Mark Richt is going to get called out after losing to Vandy and Kentucky, IN THE SAME YEAR! Not to mention a borrowed time award against Colorado. That's not a sore spot with you, Rob, is it?

Rob Robinson said...

It sure is a sore spot for me. ;)

Richt should definitely be in more trouble than Fulmer. I agree that UT fans are ridiculous. They are clearly improved from last year, and losing to top 10 teams may not be fun, but it is respectable since they were in both games the entire time.